.. currentmodule:: GeoExt.tree :class:`GeoExt.tree.LayerNode` ================================================================================ .. cssclass:: meta Extends * `Ext.tree.TreeNode `_ .. class:: LayerNode(config) A subclass of ``Ext.tree.TreeNode`` that is connected to an ``OpenLayers.Layer`` by setting the node's layer property. Checking or unchecking the checkbox of this node will directly affect the layer and vice versa. The default iconCls for this node's icon is "gx-tree-layer-icon", unless it has children. Setting the node's layer property to a layer name instead of an object will also work. As soon as a layer is found, it will be stored as layer property in the attributes hash. The node's text property defaults to the layer name. If the node has a checkedGroup attribute configured, it will be rendered with a radio button instead of the checkbox. The value of the checkedGroup attribute is a string, identifying the options group for the node. To use this node type in a ``TreePanel`` config, set ``nodeType`` to "gx_layer". Config Options -------------- Configuration properties in addition to those listed for `Ext.tree.TreeNode `_. .. describe:: layer ``OpenLayers.Layer or String`` The layer that this layer node will be bound to, or the name of the layer (has to match the layer's name property). If a layer name is provided, ``layerStore`` also has to be provided. .. describe:: layerStore :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerStore` ``or "auto"`` The layer store containing the layer that this node represents. If set to "auto", the node will query the ComponentManager for a :class:`GeoExt.MapPanel`, take the first one it finds and take its layer store. This property is only required if ``layer`` is provided as a string. .. describe:: loader ``Ext.tree.TreeLoader|Object`` If provided, subnodes will be added to this LayerNode. Obviously, only loaders that process an ``OpenLayers.Layer`` or :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord` (like :class:`GeoExt.tree.LayerParamsLoader`) will actually generate child nodes here. If provided as ``Object``, a :class:`GeoExt.tree.LayerParamLoader` instance will be created, with the provided object as configuration. Public Properties ----------------- Public properties in addition to those listed for `Ext.tree.TreeNode `_. .. attribute:: LayerNode.layer ``OpenLayers.Layer`` The layer this node is bound to.