.. currentmodule:: GeoExt.tree :class:`GeoExt.tree.LayerParamNode` ================================================================================ .. cssclass:: meta Extends * `Ext.tree.TreeNode `_ .. class:: LayerParamNode A subclass of ``Ext.tree.TreeNode`` that represents a value of a list of values provided as one of an ``OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest``'s params. The default iconCls for this node's icon is "gx-tree-layerparam-icon". To use this node type in a ``TreePanel`` config, set ``nodeType`` to "gx_layerparam". Config Options -------------- Configuration properties in addition to those listed for `Ext.tree.TreeNode `_. .. describe:: delimiter ``String`` Delimiter of the ``param``'s value's items. Default is ``,`` (comma). If the ``param``'s value is an array, this property has no effect. .. describe:: item ``String`` The param's value's item that this node represents. .. describe:: layer ``OpenLayers.Layer.HTTPRequest|String`` The layer that this node represents a subnode of. If provided as string, the string has to match the title of one of the records in the ``layerStore``. .. describe:: layerStore :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerStore` Only used if layer is provided as string. The store where we can find the layer. If not provided, the store of a map panel found by ``GeoExt.MapPanel::guess`` will be used. .. describe:: param ``String`` Key for a param (key-value pair in the params object of the layer) that this node represents an item of. The value can either be an ``Array`` or a ``String``, delimited by the character (or string) provided as ``delimiter`` config option.