builder.modules = { "GeoExt/widgets": { title: "General", description: "General widget components.", prefix: "GeoExt" }, "GeoExt/widgets/form": { title: "Form", description: "Components for assembling forms.", prefix: "GeoExt.form" }, "GeoExt/widgets/grid": { title: "Grid", description: "Components related to grid widgets.", prefix: "GeoExt.grid" }, "GeoExt/widgets/tips": { title: "Tips", description: "Custom tool tips.", prefix: "GeoExt" }, "GeoExt/widgets/tree": { title: "Tree", description: "Components related to tree nodes.", prefix: "GeoExt.tree" }, "GeoExt/data": { title: "Data", description: "Utilities for working with records and stores.", prefix: "" }, "GeoExt/plugins": { title: "Plugins", description: "Plugins to enhance functionality of other components.", prefix: "GeoExt.plugins" }, "GeoExt/state": { title: "State", description: "Utilities for encoding and decoding state representations.", prefix: "GeoExt.state" }, "overrides": { title: "Overrides", description: "Independent overrides of Ext provided functionality.", prefix: "" } };