var builder = { url: null, // to be set layout.html modules: null, // to be set in builder-vX.Y.js assets: null, // to be set by callback setAssets: function(assets) { this.assets = assets; } }; Ext.onReady(function() { var assets = builder.assets; var modules = builder.modules; var checks = {}; var prefs = {}; // uncheck components that have not been specifically checked by the user var updateDeps = function() { for (var path in assets) { var check = checks[path]; if (check) { var checked = check.getValue(); if (checked && !prefs[path]) { // keep checked if required or included var depended = false; for (var p in assets) { var c = checks[p]; if (c && c.getValue() && ((path in assets[p].require) || (path in assets[p].include))) { depended = true; break; } } if (!depended) { check.setValue(false); check.enable(); } } } } }; // check additional requires and includes var checkDeps = function(path) { var check, asset = assets[path]; for (var include in asset.include) { check = checks[include]; if (check && !check.getValue()) { checks[include].setValue(true); } } for (var require in asset.require) { check = checks[require]; if (check && !check.getValue()) { checks[require].setValue(true); checks[require].disable(); } } }; // check form data before submitting var validate = function() { // for now, we just want to make sure something is checked var valid = false; for (var path in checks) { if (checks[path].getValue()) { valid = true; break; } } if (!valid) {{ msg: "You must select at least one component for your build.", icon: Ext.MessageBox.WARNING }); } return valid; }; var items = []; var module, set, sets = {}; for (var path in modules) { module = modules[path]; set = new Ext.form.FieldSet({ title: module.title, autoHeight: true, collapsible: true, layout: "column", autoWidth: true, html: "
" + module.description + "
", defaults: {width: 300} }); sets[path] = set; items.push(set); } var checkbox, parts, prefix, base, name; var updating = false; for (var path in assets) { parts = path.split("/"); name = parts.pop().replace(".js", ""); var base = parts.join("/"); var set = sets[base]; if (set) { prefix = modules[base].prefix; checkbox = new Ext.form.Checkbox({ boxLabel: prefix ? (prefix + "." + name) : name, name: "include[]", inputValue: path, ctCls: "component", handler: function(box, checked) { var path = box.getRawValue(); var old = updating; if (checked) { updating = true; checkDeps(path); updating = old; } else { updating = true; updateDeps(); updating = old; } if (!updating) { // check represents user preferene prefs[path] = checked; } } }); checks[path] = checkbox; set.add(checkbox); } } var dh = Ext.DomHelper; var formContainer = dh.insertAfter( Ext.get(".builder-form-text").first()), {tag: "div", cls: "builder-form"} ); var form = new Ext.FormPanel({ method: "POST", standardSubmit: true, border: false, bodyStyle: {padding: 10}, renderTo: formContainer, labelWidth: 100, autoWidth: true, items: items }); var buttonContainer = dh.insertAfter( Ext.get(".download-button-text").first()), {tag: "div", cls: "download-button"} ); var download = new Ext.Button({ renderTo: buttonContainer, text: "download", iconCls: "download", handler: function() { if (validate()) { var el = form.getForm().getEl().dom; el.action = builder.url, el.submit(); } } }); });