/** * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation * * Published under the BSD license. * See http://svn.geoext.org/core/trunk/geoext/license.txt for the full text * of the license. */ /** api: example[renderer] * Feature Renderer * ---------------- * Render a vector feature with multiple symbolizers in a box component. */ var blue = { fillColor: "blue", fillOpacity: 0.25, strokeColor: "blue", strokeWidth: 2, pointRadius: 5 }; var custom = { point: { graphicName: "star", pointRadius: 8, fillColor: "yellow", strokeColor: "red", strokeWidth: 1 }, line: { strokeColor: "#669900", strokeWidth: 3 }, poly: { fillColor: "olive", fillOpacity: 0.25, strokeColor: "#666666", strokeWidth: 2, strokeDashstyle: "dot" } }; var stacked = { point: [{ pointRadius: 8, fillColor: "white", strokeColor: "red", strokeWidth: 2 }, { graphicName: "star", pointRadius: 5, fillColor: "red" }], line: [{ strokeColor: "red", strokeWidth: 5 }, { strokeColor: "#ff9933", strokeWidth: 2 }], poly: [{ strokeWidth: 3, fillColor: "white", strokeColor: "#669900" }, { strokeWidth: 2, fillOpacity: 0, strokeColor: "red", strokeDashstyle: "dot" }] }; var configs = [{ symbolType: "Point", renderTo: "point_default" }, { symbolType: "Line", renderTo: "line_default" }, { symbolType: "Polygon", renderTo: "poly_default" }, { symbolType: "Point", symbolizers: [blue], renderTo: "point_blue" }, { symbolType: "Line", symbolizers: [blue], renderTo: "line_blue" }, { symbolType: "Polygon", symbolizers: [blue], renderTo: "poly_blue" }, { symbolType: "Point", symbolizers: [custom.point], renderTo: "point_custom" }, { symbolType: "Line", symbolizers: [custom.line], renderTo: "line_custom" }, { symbolType: "Polygon", symbolizers: [custom.poly], renderTo: "poly_custom" }, { symbolType: "Point", symbolizers: stacked.point, renderTo: "point_stacked" }, { symbolType: "Line", symbolizers: stacked.line, renderTo: "line_stacked" }, { symbolType: "Polygon", symbolizers: stacked.poly, renderTo: "poly_stacked" }]; Ext.onReady(function() { for(var i=0; i