/** * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation * * Published under the BSD license. * See http://svn.geoext.org/core/trunk/geoext/license.txt for the full text * of the license. */ Ext.namespace("GeoExt.plugins"); /** api: (define) * module = GeoExt.plugins * class = PrintPageField * base_link = `Ext.util.Observable `_ */ /** api: example * A form with a combo box for the scale and text fields for rotation and a * page title. The page title is a custom parameter of the print module's * page configuration: * * .. code-block:: javascript * * var printPage = new GeoExt.data.PrintPage({ * printProvider: new GeoExt.data.PrintProvider({ * capabilities: printCapabilities * }) * }); * new Ext.form.FormPanel({ * renderTo: "form", * width: 200, * height: 300, * items: [{ * xtype: "combo", * displayField: "name", * store: printPage.scales, // printPage.scale * name: "scale", * fieldLabel: "Scale", * typeAhead: true, * mode: "local", * forceSelection: true, * triggerAction: "all", * selectOnFocus: true, * plugins: new GeoExt.plugins.PrintPageField({ * printPage: printPage * }) * }, { * xtype: "textfield", * name: "rotation", // printPage.rotation * fieldLabel: "Rotation", * plugins: new GeoExt.plugins.PrintPageField({ * printPage: printPage * }) * }, { * xtype: "textfield", * name: "mapTitle", // printPage.customParams["mapTitle"] * fieldLabel: "Map Title", * plugins: new GeoExt.plugins.PrintPageField({ * printPage: printPage * }) * }] * }); */ /** api: constructor * .. class:: PrintPageField * * A plugin for ``Ext.form.Field`` components which provides synchronization * with a :class:`GeoExt.data.PrintPage`. The field name has to match the * respective property of the printPage (e.g. ``scale``, ``rotation``). */ GeoExt.plugins.PrintPageField = Ext.extend(Ext.util.Observable, { /** api: config[printPage] * ``GeoExt.data.PrintPage`` The print page to synchronize with. */ /** private: property[printPage] * ``GeoExt.data.PrintPage`` The print page to synchronize with. * Read-only. */ printPage: null, /** private: property[target] * ``Ext.form.Field`` This plugin's target field. */ target: null, /** private: method[constructor] */ constructor: function(config) { this.initialConfig = config; Ext.apply(this, config); GeoExt.plugins.PrintPageField.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); }, /** private: method[init] * :param target: ``Ext.form.Field`` The component that this plugin * extends. * @param {Object} target */ init: function(target) { this.target = target; var onCfg = { "beforedestroy": this.onBeforeDestroy, scope: this }; var eventName = target instanceof Ext.form.ComboBox ? "select" : target instanceof Ext.form.Checkbox ? "check" : "valid"; onCfg[eventName] = this.onFieldChange; target.on(onCfg); this.printPage.on({ "change": this.onPageChange, scope: this }); this.printPage.printProvider.on({ "layoutchange": this.onLayoutChange, scope: this }); this.setValue(this.printPage); }, /** private: method[onFieldChange] * :param field: ``Ext.form.Field`` * :param record: ``Ext.data.Record`` Optional. * * Handler for the target field's "valid" or "select" event. */ onFieldChange: function(field, record) { var printProvider = this.printPage.printProvider; var value = field.getValue(); this._updating = true; if(field.store === printProvider.scales || field.name === "scale") { this.printPage.setScale(record); } else if(field.name == "rotation") { !isNaN(value) && this.printPage.setRotation(value); } else { this.printPage.customParams[field.name] = value; } delete this._updating; }, /** private: method[onPageChange] * :param printPage: :class:`GeoExt.data.PrintPage` * * Handler for the "change" event for the page this plugin is configured * with. */ onPageChange: function(printPage) { if(!this._updating) { this.setValue(printPage); } }, /** private: method[onPageChange] * :param printProvider: :class:`GeoExt.data.PrintProvider` * :param layout: ``Ext.Record`` * * Handler for the "layoutchange" event of the printProvider. */ onLayoutChange: function(printProvider, layout) { var t = this.target; t.name == "rotation" && t.setDisabled(!layout.get("rotation")); }, /** private: method[setValue] * :param printPage: :class:`GeoExt.data.PrintPage` * * Sets the value in the target field. */ setValue: function(printPage) { var t = this.target; t.suspendEvents(); if(t.store === printPage.printProvider.scales || t.name === "scale") { if(printPage.scale) { t.setValue(printPage.scale.get(t.displayField)); } } else if(t.name == "rotation") { t.setValue(printPage.rotation); } t.resumeEvents(); }, /** private: method[onBeforeDestroy] */ onBeforeDestroy: function() { this.target.un("beforedestroy", this.onBeforeDestroy, this); this.target.un("select", this.onFieldChange, this); this.target.un("valid", this.onFieldChange, this); this.printPage.un("change", this.onPageChange, this); this.printPage.printProvider.un("layoutchange", this.onLayoutChange, this); } }); /** api: ptype = gx_printpagefield */ Ext.preg("gx_printpagefield", GeoExt.plugins.PrintPageField);