/*! * Ext JS Library 3.4.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2011 Sencha Inc. * licensing@sencha.com * http://www.sencha.com/license */ Ext.test.session.addTest('Ext', { name: 'core', planned: 355, // addBehaviors // 7 test_apply: function(){ var o1 = Ext.apply({}, { foo: 1, bar: 2 }); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o1, { foo: 1, bar: 2 }, 'Test simple apply, with a return value'); var o2 = {}; Ext.apply(o2, { opt1: 'x', opt2: 'y' }); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o2, { opt1: 'x', opt2: 'y' }, 'Test that the reference is changed'); var o3 = Ext.apply({}, { prop1: 1 }); Y.Assert.isUndefined(o3.prop2, 'Test to ensure no extra properties are copied'); var o4 = Ext.apply({ foo: 1, baz: 4 }, { foo: 2, bar: 3 }); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o4, { foo: 2, bar: 3, baz: 4 }, 'Ensure that properties get overwritten by defaults'); var o5 = {}; Ext.apply(o5, { foo: 'new', exist: true }, { foo: 'old', def: true }); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o5, { foo: 'new', def: true, exist: true }, 'Test using defaults'); var o6 = Ext.apply({}, { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' }, { foo: 'oldFoo', bar: 'oldBar' }); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o6, { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' }, 'Test to ensure all defaults get overridden'); Y.Assert.isNull(Ext.apply(null, {}), 'Test null first argument'); }, // 5 test_applyIf: function(){ var o1 = Ext.applyIf({}, { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' }); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o1, { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar' }, 'Test with an empty destination object'); var o2 = Ext.applyIf({ foo: 'foo' }, { foo: 'oldFoo' }); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o2, { foo: 'foo' }, 'Ensure existing properties don\'t get overridden'); var o3 = Ext.applyIf({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }, { bar: 3, baz: 4 }); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o3, { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 4 }, 'Test mixing properties to be overridden'); var o4 = {}; Ext.applyIf(o4, { foo: 2 }, { foo: 1 }); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o4, { foo: 2 }, 'Test that the reference of the object is changed'); Y.Assert.isNull(Ext.applyIf(null, {}), 'Test null first argument'); }, // 6 test_clean: function(){ Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([true, true, true], Ext.clean([true, true, true]), 'Test with all true'); Y.ArrayAssert.isEmpty(Ext.clean([]), 'Test with empty'); Y.ArrayAssert.isEmpty(Ext.clean([false, false, false]), 'Test with all false'); Y.ArrayAssert.isEmpty(Ext.clean(null), 'Test with non array parameter'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 1], Ext.clean([1, 0, 1]), 'Test with non booleans'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 2, 3, 1], Ext.clean([1, 2, false, 0, 3, 1]), 'Ensure order is maintained properly'); }, // 7 test_copyTo: function(){ var from = { x: 50, y: 100, width: 'auto', height: 200 }; var o1 = Ext.copyTo({}, from, 'x,y'); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o1, { x: 50, y: 100 }, 'Test simple copy with string'); var o2 = Ext.copyTo({}, from, ''); Y.Assert.isUndefined(o2.x, 'Test with empty string as properties'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(o2.y, 'Test with empty string as properties'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(o2.width, 'Test with empty string as properties'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(o2.height, 'Test with empty string as properties'); var o3 = {}; Ext.copyTo(o3, from, 'width'); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o3, { width: 'auto' }, 'Test copy ensuring that the original reference is changed'); var o4 = Ext.copyTo({ x: 1 }, from, ['x', 'y']); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys(o4, { x: 50, y: 100 }, 'Test with array as properties, also with an existing value in the destination object'); }, // create // decode // 14 test_destroy: function(){ var C1 = Ext.extend(Object, { constructor: function(){ this.c1destroy = false; }, destroy: function(){ this.c1destroy = true; } }); var C2 = Ext.extend(Object, { constructor: function(){ this.c2destroy = false; }, destroy: function(){ this.c2destroy = true; } }); var C3 = Ext.extend(Object, { constructor: function(){ this.c3destroy = false; }, dest: function(){ this.c3destroy = true; } }); var o1 = new C1(); Ext.destroy(o1); Y.Assert.isTrue(o1.c1destroy, 'Simple destroy test with a single object'); var arr1 = [new C1(), new C2(), new C2()]; Ext.destroy(arr1); Y.Assert.isTrue(arr1[0].c1destroy, 'Test with an array of items'); Y.Assert.isTrue(arr1[1].c2destroy, 'Test with an array of items'); Y.Assert.isTrue(arr1[2].c2destroy, 'Test with an array of items'); var o2 = new C1(), o3 = new C2(), o4 = new C1(); Ext.destroy(o2, o3, o4); Y.Assert.isTrue(o2.c1destroy, 'Test with param array'); Y.Assert.isTrue(o3.c2destroy, 'Test with param array'); Y.Assert.isTrue(o4.c1destroy, 'Test with param array'); var o5 = new C3(); Ext.destroy(o5); Y.Assert.isFalse(o5.c3destroy, 'Test item without a destroy method'); var arr2 = [new C1(), new C3(), new C2()]; Ext.destroy(arr2); Y.Assert.isTrue(arr2[0].c1destroy, 'Test with an array of items, mix of items with and without destroy'); Y.Assert.isFalse(arr2[1].c3destroy, 'Test with an array of items, mix of items with and without destroy'); Y.Assert.isTrue(arr2[2].c2destroy, 'Test with an array of items, mix of items with and without destroy'); var id1 = Ext.id(), el1 = Ext.getBody().createChild({ id: id1 }); Ext.destroy(el1); Y.Assert.isNull(document.getElementById(id1), 'Test with an Ext.Element'); var id2 = Ext.id(), el2 = Ext.getBody().createChild({ id: id2 }), o6 = new C1(); Ext.destroy(el2, o6); Y.Assert.isNull(document.getElementById(id2), 'Test with a mix of elements and objects'); Y.Assert.isTrue(o6.c1destroy, 'Test with a mix of elements and objects'); }, // 14 test_destroyMembers: function(){ var C1 = Ext.extend(Object, { constructor: function(){ this.p1 = 1; this.p2 = 2; this.p3 = 3; this.p4 = 4; this.d = false; }, destroy: function(){ this.d = true; } }); var C2 = Ext.extend(Object, { constructor: function(){ this.p1 = new C1(); this.p2 = new C1(); this.p3 = 1; } }); var o1 = new C1(); Ext.destroyMembers(o1, 'p1', 'p3'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(o1.p1, 'Simple test with a mix of properties'); Y.Assert.areEqual(2, o1.p2, 'Simple test with a mix of properties'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(o1.p3, 'Simple test with a mix of properties'); Y.Assert.areEqual(4, o1.p4, 'Simple test with a mix of properties'); var o2 = new C2(); Ext.destroyMembers(o2); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(o2.p1, 'Test with empty parameter list, ensure nothing is removed or destroyed'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(o2.p2, 'Test with empty parameter list, ensure nothing is removed or destroyed'); Y.Assert.areEqual(1, o2.p3, 'Test with empty parameter list, ensure nothing is removed or destroyed'); Y.Assert.isFalse(o2.p1.d, 'Test with empty parameter list, ensure nothing is removed or destroyed'); Y.Assert.isFalse(o2.p2.d, 'Test with empty parameter list, ensure nothing is removed or destroyed'); var o3 = new C2(), o4 = o3.p1, o5 = o3.p2; Ext.destroyMembers(o3, 'p1', 'p2'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(o3.p1, 'Destroy objects, ensure they are destroyed and removed'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(o3.p2, 'Destroy objects, ensure they are destroyed and removed'); Y.Assert.areEqual(1, o3.p3, 'Destroy objects, ensure they are destroyed and removed'); Y.Assert.isTrue(o4.d, 'Destroy objects, ensure they are destroyed and removed'); Y.Assert.isTrue(o5.d, 'Destroy objects, ensure they are destroyed and removed'); }, // 10 test_each: function(){ var sum = 0; Ext.each([1, 2, 3, 4], function(val){ sum += val; }); Y.Assert.areEqual(10, sum, 'Simple each on an array of numbers'); var s = ''; Ext.each(['T', 'e', 's', 't', 'i', 'n', 'g'], function(c){ s += c; }); Y.Assert.areEqual('Testing', s, 'Simple each on array of strings'); sum = 0; Ext.each(5, function(num){ sum += num; }); Y.Assert.areEqual(5, sum, 'Test with a non array parameter, number'); var hit = false; Ext.each([], function(){ hit = true; }); Y.Assert.isFalse(hit, 'Test with empty array parameter'); hit = false; Ext.each(null, function(){ hit = true; }); Y.Assert.isFalse(hit, 'Test with null parameter'); hit = false; Ext.each(document.getElementsByTagName('body'), function(){ hit = true; }); Y.Assert.isTrue(hit, 'Test iteration over NodeLists'); var arr = []; Ext.each([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], function(val, idx){ arr.push(idx); }); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], arr, 'Test index is passed correctly'); sum = 0; Ext.each([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], function(val){ if(val > 4){ return false; } sum += val; }); Y.Assert.areEqual(10, sum, 'Test that returning false stops iteration'); sum = 0; var scope = {value: 3}; Ext.each([1, 2, 3], function(val){ sum += val * this.value; }, scope); Y.Assert.areEqual(18, sum, 'Test scope argument #1'); sum = 0; scope = {value: 5}; Ext.each([1, 2, 3], function(val){ sum += val * this.value; //value should be 5 }, scope); Y.Assert.areEqual(30, sum, 'Test scope argument #2'); }, // encode // 5 test_escapeRe: function(){ Y.Assert.areEqual('\\-', Ext.escapeRe('-'), 'Test with single char'); Y.Assert.areEqual('\\*\\.', Ext.escapeRe('*.'), 'Test with multiple characters next to each other'); Y.Assert.areEqual('foo', Ext.escapeRe('foo'), 'Test with no escapeable chars'); Y.Assert.areEqual('\\{baz\\}', Ext.escapeRe('{baz}'), 'Test with mixed set'); Y.Assert.areEqual('\\-\\.\\*\\+\\?\\^\\$\\{\\}\\(\\)\\|\\[\\]\\/\\\\', Ext.escapeRe('-.*+?^${}()|[]/\\'), 'Test with every character'); }, // 4 test_extend: function(){ var Dude = Ext.extend(Object, { constructor: function(config){ Ext.apply(this, config); this.isBadass = false; } }); var Aweysome = Ext.extend(Dude, { constructor: function(){ Aweysome.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.isBadass = true; } }); var david = new Aweysome({ davis: 'isAwesome' }); Y.Assert.areEqual('isAwesome', david.davis, 'Test if David is awesome'); Y.Assert.isTrue(david.isBadass, 'Test if David is badass'); Y.Assert.isFunction(david.override, 'Test if extend added the override method'); Y.ObjectAssert.areEqual({ isBadass: true, davis: 'isAwesome' }, david, 'Test if David is badass and awesome'); }, // 9 test_flatten: function(){ Y.ArrayAssert.isEmpty(Ext.flatten([]), 'Test with empty array'); Y.ArrayAssert.isEmpty(Ext.flatten([[], [], []]), 'Test with an array of empty arrays'); Y.ArrayAssert.isEmpty(Ext.flatten(null), 'Test with null'); Y.ArrayAssert.isEmpty(Ext.flatten(undefined), 'Test with undefined'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 7, 3, 4], Ext.flatten([1, 7, 3, 4]), 'Test with a simple flat array'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 2, 3], Ext.flatten([[1], [2], [3]]), 'Test with an array of arrays with a single item'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], Ext.flatten([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]), 'Test sub arrays with multiple items'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], Ext.flatten([1, 2, [3, 4], 5, [6, 7]]), 'Test a mix of sub arrays and non arrays'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], Ext.flatten([[[1, [2, 3], [4, 5]], [6, 7, [8, [9, 10]]]]]), 'Test with multiple levels of nesting'); }, // 1 test_fly: function(){ var id = Ext.id(); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = id; Ext.getBody().dom.appendChild(div); var div2 = Ext.fly(id); Y.Assert.areSame(div, div2.dom, 'Test if fly got the correct item'); div2.remove(); }, // 1 test_get: function(){ var id = Ext.id(); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = id; Ext.getBody().dom.appendChild(div); var div2 = Ext.get(id); Y.Assert.areSame(div, div2.dom, 'Test if "get" got the correct item'); div2.remove(); }, // 1 test_getBody: function(){ var body = Ext.getBody(); Y.Assert.isTrue(body.dom === document.body || body.dom === document.documentElement, 'Test if getBody returns the body'); }, // getCmp // 1 test_getDoc: function(){ var doc = Ext.getDoc(); Y.Assert.areSame(document, doc.dom, 'Test if getDoc returns document'); }, // 1 test_getDom: function(){ var id = Ext.id(); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = id; Ext.getBody().dom.appendChild(div); var div2 = Ext.getDom(id); Y.Assert.areSame(div, div2, 'Test if getDom returns correct element'); div2.parentNode.removeChild(div2); }, // 1 test_getScrollBarWidth: function(){ Y.Assert.isNumber(Ext.getScrollBarWidth(), 'Test if getScrollBarWith returns a number'); }, // 1 test_id: function(){ var id = Ext.id(document); var id2 = Ext.id(document); Y.Assert.areEqual(id, id2, 'Test if id returns same id for the same element'); }, // 8 test_invoke: function(){ var n = 0; var fn = function(a, b){ Y.Assert.areEqual('a', a, 'Testing invoke param'); Y.Assert.areEqual('b', b, 'Testing invoke param'); return ++n; }; var arr = [{ get: fn }, { get: fn }, { get: fn }]; var results = Ext.invoke(arr, 'get', 'a', 'b'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 2, 3], results, 'Test invoke results'); Y.Assert.areEqual(n, results.length, 'Number of invocations'); }, // 12 test_isArray: function(){ var C = Ext.extend(Object, { length: 1 }); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isArray([]), 'Test with empty array'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isArray([1, 2, 3, 4]), 'Test with filled array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isArray(false), 'Test with boolean #1'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isArray(true), 'Test with boolean #2'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isArray('foo'), 'Test with string'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isArray(1), 'Test with number'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isArray(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isArray(new Date()), 'Test with a date'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isArray({}), 'Test with empty object'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isArray(document.getElementsByTagName('body')), 'Test with node list'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isArray(Ext.getBody().dom), 'Test with element'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isArray(new C()), 'Test with custom class that has a length property'); }, // 11 test_isBoolean: function(){ Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isBoolean(true), 'Test with true'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isBoolean(false), 'Test with false'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isBoolean([]), 'Test with empty array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isBoolean([1, 2, 3]), 'Test with filled array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isBoolean(1), 'Test with number'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isBoolean(''), 'Test with empty string'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isBoolean('foo'), 'Test with non empty string'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isBoolean(Ext.getBody().dom), 'Test with element'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isBoolean(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isBoolean({}), 'Test with object'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isBoolean(new Date()), 'Test with date'); }, // 9 test_isDate: function(){ Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDate(new Date()), 'Test with simple date'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDate(Date.parseDate('2000', 'Y')), 'Test with simple date'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isDate(true), 'Test with boolean'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isDate(1), 'Test with number'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isDate('foo'), 'Test with string'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isDate(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isDate([]), 'Test with array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isDate({}), 'Test with object'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isDate(Ext.getBody().dom), 'Test with element'); }, // 10 test_isDefined: function(){ Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isDefined(undefined), 'Test with undefined'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDefined(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDefined({}), 'Test with object'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDefined([]), 'Test with array'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDefined(new Date()), 'Test with date'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDefined(1), 'Test with number'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDefined(false), 'Test with boolean'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDefined(''), 'Test with empty string'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDefined('foo'), 'Test with non-empty string'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isDefined(Ext.getBody().dom), 'Test with element'); }, // 5 test_isElement: function(){ Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isElement(Ext.getBody().dom), 'Test with element'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isElement(Ext.getBody()), 'Test with Ext.Element'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isElement(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isElement(1), 'Test with number'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isElement('foo'), 'Test with string'); }, // 10 test_isEmpty: function(){ Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isEmpty(''), 'Test with empty string'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isEmpty(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isEmpty(undefined), 'Test with undefined'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isEmpty([]), 'Test with empty array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isEmpty('Foo'), 'Test with simple string'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isEmpty(false), 'Test with boolean false'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isEmpty(1), 'Test with numeric value'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isEmpty({}), 'Test with object with no properties'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isEmpty([1, 2, 3]), 'Test with filled array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isEmpty('', true), 'Test empty string with allowBlank'); }, // 12 test_isFunction: function(){ var c = new Ext.util.Observable(), o = { fn: function(){ } }; Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isFunction(function(){ }), 'Test with anonymous function'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isFunction(new Function('return "";')), 'Test with new Function syntax'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isFunction(Ext.emptyFn), 'Test with static function'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isFunction(c.fireEvent), 'Test with instance function'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isFunction(o.fn), 'Test with function on object'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isFunction(Ext.version), 'Test with class property'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isFunction(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isFunction(1), 'Test with number'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isFunction(''), 'Test with string'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isFunction(new Date()), 'Test with date'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isFunction([]), 'Test with array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isFunction({}), 'Test with object'); }, // 19 test_isNumber: function(){ Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isNumber(0), 'Test with 0'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isNumber(4), 'Test with non-zero integer'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isNumber(-3), 'Test with negative integer'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isNumber(7.9), 'Test with positive float'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isNumber(-4.3), 'Test with negative float'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isNumber(Number.MAX_VALUE), 'Test with MAX_VALUE'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE), 'Test with MIN_VALUE'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isNumber(Math.PI), 'Test with Math.PI'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isNumber(Number('3.1')), 'Test with Number() constructor'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isNumber(Number.NaN), 'Test with NaN'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isNumber(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 'Test with POSITIVE_INFINITY'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isNumber(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 'Test with NEGATIVE_INFINITY'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isNumber(true), 'Test with true'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isNumber(''), 'Test with empty string'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isNumber('1.0'), 'Test with string containing a number'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isNumber(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isNumber(undefined), 'Test with undefined'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isNumber([]), 'Test with array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isNumber({}), 'Test with object'); }, // 14 test_isObject: function(){ Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isObject({}), 'Test with empty object'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isObject({ foo: 1 }), 'Test with object with properties'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isObject(new Ext.util.Observable()), 'Test with object instance'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isObject(new Object()), 'Test with new Object( ) syntax'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isObject(new Date()), 'Test with a date object'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isObject([]), 'Test with array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isObject(new Array()), 'Test with new Array( ) syntax'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isObject(1), 'Test with number'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isObject('foo'), 'Test with string'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isObject(false), 'Test with boolean'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isObject(new Number(3)), 'Test with new Number() syntax'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isObject(new String('foo')), 'Test with new String() syntax'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isObject(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isObject(undefined), 'Test with undefined'); }, // 14 test_isPrimitive: function(){ Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isPrimitive(1), 'Test with integer'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isPrimitive(-3), 'Test with negative integer'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isPrimitive(1.4), 'Test with floating number'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isPrimitive(Number.MAX_VALUE), 'Test with Number.MAX_VALUE'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isPrimitive(Math.PI), 'Test with Math.PI'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isPrimitive(''), 'Test with empty string'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isPrimitive('foo'), 'Test with non empty string'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isPrimitive(true), 'Test with boolean true'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isPrimitive(false), 'Test with boolean false'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isPrimitive(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isPrimitive(undefined), 'Test with undefined'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isPrimitive({}), 'Test with object'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isPrimitive([]), 'Test with array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isPrimitive(new Ext.util.Observable()), 'Test with object instance'); }, // 10 test_isString: function(){ var s = new String('foo'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isString(''), 'Test with empty string'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isString('foo'), 'Test with non empty string'); Y.Assert.isTrue(Ext.isString(String('')), 'Test with String() syntax'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isString(new String('')), 'Test with new String() syntax'); //should return an object that wraps the primitive Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isString(1), 'Test with number'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isString(true), 'Test with boolean'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isString(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isString(undefined), 'Test with undefined'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isString([]), 'Test with array'); Y.Assert.isFalse(Ext.isString({}), 'Test with number'); }, // 8 test_iterate: function(){ var n = 0; Ext.iterate({ n1: 11, n2: 13, n3: 18 }, function(k, v, o){ Y.Assert.isNumber(v); n += v; }); Y.Assert.areEqual(42, n, 'Test if iterate has called the function the correct number of times (object)'); n = 0; Ext.iterate([11, 13, 18], function(x){ Y.Assert.isNumber(x); n += x; }); Y.Assert.areEqual(42, n, 'Test if iterate has called the function the correct number of times (array)'); }, // 7 test_max: function(){ Y.Assert.areEqual(14, Ext.max([14]), 'Test single item'); Y.Assert.areEqual(16, Ext.max([1, 4, 16, 3, 8]), 'Test with max in the middle'); Y.Assert.areEqual(9, Ext.max([9, 1, 5, 8]), 'Test with max at start'); Y.Assert.areEqual(12, Ext.max([1, 9, 0, 4, 12]), 'Test with max at end'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.max([]), 'Test with empty array'); Y.Assert.areEqual('j', Ext.max(['a', 'f', 'j', 'c', 'b']), 'Test with strings'); Y.Assert.areEqual(7, Ext.max([6, 7, 8], function(a, b){ return (a % 8 > b % 8) ? 1 : -1; }), 'Test with custom comparator'); }, // 4 test_mean: function(){ Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.mean([]), 'Test with an empty list'); Y.Assert.areEqual(4, Ext.mean([4]), 'Test with a single item'); Y.Assert.areEqual(3, Ext.mean([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), 'Test with multiple items'); Y.Assert.areEqual(1.3, Ext.mean([1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5]), 'Test with floats'); }, // 7 test_min: function(){ Y.Assert.areEqual(5, Ext.min([5]), 'Test single item'); Y.Assert.areEqual(2, Ext.min([3, 7, 2, 4, 8]), 'Test with min in the middle'); Y.Assert.areEqual(4, Ext.min([4, 12, 28, 100, 5]), 'Test with min at the start'); Y.Assert.areEqual(3, Ext.min([13, 4, 17, 83, 3]), 'Test with min at the end'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.min([]), 'Test with empty array'); Y.Assert.areEqual('b', Ext.min(['c', 'm', 'b', 'q', 's']), 'Test with strings'); Y.Assert.areEqual(8, Ext.min([6, 7, 8], function(a, b){ return (a % 8 > b % 8) ? 1 : -1; }), 'Test with custom comparator'); }, // 14 test_namespace: function(){ var w = window; Ext.namespace('FooTest1'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest1, 'Test creation with a single top-level namespace'); Ext.namespace('FooTest2', 'FooTest3', 'FooTest4'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest2, 'Test creation with multiple top level namespaces'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest3, 'Test creation with multiple top level namespaces'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest4, 'Test creation with multiple top level namespaces'); Ext.namespace('FooTest5', 'FooTest5.ns1', 'FooTest5.ns1.ns2', 'FooTest5.ns1.ns2.ns3'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest5, 'Test a chain of namespaces, starting from a top-level'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest5.ns1, 'Test a chain of namespaces, starting from a top-level'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest5.ns1.ns2, 'Test a chain of namespaces, starting from a top-level'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest5.ns1.ns2.ns3, 'Test a chain of namespaces, starting from a top-level'); Ext.namespace('FooTest6.ns1', 'FooTest7.ns1'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest6.ns1, 'Test creating lower level namespaces without first defining the top level'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest7.ns1, 'Test creating lower level namespaces without first defining the top level'); Ext.namespace('FooTest8', 'FooTest8.ns1.ns2'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest8, 'Test creating a lower level namespace without defining the middle level'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest8.ns1, 'Test creating a lower level namespace without defining the middle level'); Y.Assert.isNotUndefined(w.FooTest8.ns1.ns2, 'Test creating a lower level namespace without defining the middle level'); FooTest8.prop1 = 'foo'; Ext.namespace('FooTest8'); Y.Assert.areEqual('foo', FooTest8.prop1, 'Ensure existing namespaces are not overwritten'); }, // ns is alias of namespace // 18 test_num: function(){ Y.Assert.areEqual(3, Ext.num(3), 'Test with an integer'); Y.Assert.areEqual(-7, Ext.num(-7), 'Test with a negative integer'); Y.Assert.areEqual(5.43, Ext.num(5.43), 'Test with a float'); Y.Assert.areEqual(-9.8, Ext.num(-9.8), 'Test with a negative float'); Y.Assert.areEqual(Math.PI, Ext.num(Math.PI), 'Test with Math.PI'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.num(null), 'Test with null, no default'); Y.Assert.areEqual(3, Ext.num(null, 3), 'Test with null, with default'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.num(undefined), 'Test with undefined, no default'); Y.Assert.areEqual(17, Ext.num(undefined, 17), 'Test with undefined, with default'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.num(true), 'Test with boolean, no default'); Y.Assert.areEqual(8, Ext.num(true, 8), 'Test with boolean, with default'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.num(''), 'Test with empty string'); Y.Assert.areEqual(453, Ext.num('453'), 'Test with a string argument in the form of a number'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.num(' '), 'Test with a string containing only spaces'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.num('foo'), 'Test with non empty string'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.num([]), 'Test with empty array'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.num([1, 2, 3]), 'Test with non empty array'); Y.Assert.isUndefined(Ext.num([1]), 'Test with array with a single item'); }, // onReady test_override: function(){ }, // 4 test_partition: function(){ var part = Ext.partition([true, false, true, true, false]); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([true, true, true], part[0], 'Test if partitioned into true values'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([false, false], part[1], 'Test if partitioned into false values'); var part2 = Ext.partition([12, 1, 11, 2, 3, 50, 5, 15], function(v){ return v > 10 }); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([12, 11, 50, 15], part2[0], 'Test if partitioned into a list of items less than 10'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 2, 3, 5], part2[1], 'Test if partitioned into a list of items greater than 10'); }, // 1 test_pluck: function(){ var results = Ext.pluck([{ n: 11 }, { n: 13 }, { n: 18 }], 'n'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([11, 13, 18], results, 'Test pluck results'); }, // preg // query // reg // removeNode // select // 4 test_sum: function(){ Y.Assert.areEqual(0, Ext.sum([]), 'Test with an empty list'); Y.Assert.areEqual(4, Ext.sum([4]), 'Test with a single item'); Y.Assert.areEqual(15, Ext.sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), 'Test with multiple items'); Y.Assert.areEqual(6.5, Ext.sum([1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5]), 'Test with floats'); }, // 1 test_toArray: function(){ Y.Assert.isArray(Ext.toArray(document.getElementsByTagName('body')), 'Test with node list'); }, // 25 test_type: function(){ Y.Assert.areEqual('string', Ext.type('foo'), 'Test with string'); Y.Assert.areEqual('object', Ext.type(new String('foo')), 'Test with new String() syntax'); //for some reason, isn't a string Y.Assert.areEqual('number', Ext.type(1), 'Test with number'); Y.Assert.areEqual('object', Ext.type(new Number(3)), 'Test with new Number() syntax'); //for some reason, isn't a number Y.Assert.areEqual('boolean', Ext.type(false), 'Test with boolean'); Y.Assert.areEqual('object', Ext.type(new Boolean(false)), 'Test with new Boolean() syntax'); //for some reason, isn't a boolean Y.Assert.areEqual('date', Ext.type(new Date()), 'Test with a date object'); Y.Assert.areEqual('date', Ext.type(Date.parseDate('2000', 'Y')), 'Test with simple date (parsed)'); Y.Assert.areEqual('function', Ext.type(function(){ }), 'Test with a function'); Y.Assert.areEqual('function', Ext.type(Ext.emptyFn), 'Test with Ext.emptyFn'); Y.Assert.areEqual('function', Ext.type(new Function()), 'Test with new Function() syntax'); Y.Assert.areEqual('object', Ext.type({}), 'Test with empty object'); Y.Assert.areEqual('object', Ext.type({ foo: 1 }), 'Test with object with properties'); Y.Assert.areEqual('object', Ext.type(new Ext.util.Observable()), 'Test with object instance'); Y.Assert.areEqual('object', Ext.type(new Object()), 'Test with new Object() syntax'); Y.Assert.areEqual('array', Ext.type([]), 'Test with array'); Y.Assert.areEqual('array', Ext.type(new Array()), 'Test with new Array() syntax'); Y.Assert.areEqual('regexp', Ext.type(/asdf/), 'Test with regexp'); Y.Assert.areEqual('regexp', Ext.type(new RegExp('asdf')), 'Test with new Regexp() syntax'); Y.Assert.areEqual('nodelist', Ext.type(document.getElementsByTagName('body')), 'Test with node list'); Y.Assert.areEqual('textnode', Ext.type(document.createTextNode('test')), 'Test with text node'); Y.Assert.areEqual('whitespace', Ext.type(document.createTextNode('')), 'Test with empty text node'); Y.Assert.areEqual('whitespace', Ext.type(document.createTextNode(' ')), 'Test with whitespace in text node'); Y.Assert.areEqual('', Ext.type(null), 'Test with null'); Y.Assert.areEqual(false, Ext.type(undefined), 'Test with undefined'); }, // 7 test_unique: function(){ var fn = function(){ }, obj = {}, arr = [], date = new Date(); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([true, false], Ext.unique([true, true, false, true, false, false]), 'Test with all booleans'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 2, 3], Ext.unique([1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1]), 'Test with all numbers'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([fn], Ext.unique([fn, fn, fn, fn]), 'Test with functions'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([arr], Ext.unique([arr, arr, arr, arr]), 'Test with arrays'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([obj], Ext.unique([obj, obj, obj, obj]), 'Test with objects'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([date], Ext.unique([date, date, date, date]), 'Test with dates'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([obj, fn, arr, date], Ext.unique([obj, obj, fn, obj, arr, obj, fn, arr, date, fn, arr, obj]), 'Test with objects, functions, arrays, and dates'); }, // 2 test_urlAppend: function(){ var url = "http://example.com/"; Y.Assert.areEqual('http://example.com/?test=1', Ext.urlAppend(url, 'test=1'), 'Test for question mark'); Y.Assert.areEqual('http://example.com/?test=1&foo=2', Ext.urlAppend(url + '?test=1', 'foo=2'), 'Test for ampersand'); }, // 3 test_urlDecode: function(){ Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }, Ext.urlDecode('foo=1&bar=2'), 'Decode 2 keys'); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys({ foo: 1, bar: ['2', '3', '4'] }, Ext.urlDecode('foo=1&bar=2&bar=3&bar=4', false), 'Decode 2 keys, one of them an array (overwrite off)'); Y.ObjectAssert.hasKeys({ foo: 1, bar: 4 }, Ext.urlDecode('foo=1&bar=2&bar=3&bar=4', true), 'Decode 2 keys, one of them an array (overwrite on)'); }, // 3 test_urlEncode: function(){ Y.Assert.areEqual('foo=1&bar=2', Ext.urlEncode({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }), 'Decode 2 keys'); Y.Assert.areEqual('foo=1&bar=2&bar=3&bar=4', Ext.urlEncode({ foo: 1, bar: ['2', '3', '4'] }), 'Decode 2 keys, one of them an array'); Y.Assert.areEqual('test=1&foo=1&bar=2&bar=3&bar=4', Ext.urlEncode({ foo: 1, bar: ['2', '3', '4'] }, 'test=1'), 'Decode 2 keys, one of them an array, with pre: test=1'); }, // 7 test_value: function(){ Y.Assert.areEqual('test1', Ext.value('test1', 'test2'), 'Testing "test1" string'); Y.Assert.areEqual('test2', Ext.value('', 'test2'), 'Testing blank string'); Y.Assert.areEqual('test2', Ext.value(undefined, 'test2'), 'Testing undefined value'); Y.Assert.areEqual('test2', Ext.value(null, 'test2'), 'Testing null value'); Y.Assert.areEqual('', Ext.value('', 'test2', true), 'Testing blank string with allowBlank: true'); // it does not consider undef and null as a blank string, so these are OK Y.Assert.areEqual('test2', Ext.value(undefined, 'test2', true), 'Testing undefined value with allowBlank: true'); Y.Assert.areEqual('test2', Ext.value(null, 'test2', true), 'Testing null value with allowBlank: true'); }, // 4 test_zip: function(){ var arr = Ext.zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([1, 4], arr[0], 'Zip two arrays'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([2, 5], arr[1], 'Zip two arrays'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([3, 6], arr[2], 'Zip two arrays'); Y.ArrayAssert.itemsAreEqual([['$+12.43'], ['$-10.15'], ['$+22.96']], Ext.zip(['+', '-', '+'], [12, 10, 22], [43, 15, 96], function(a, b, c){ return '$' + a + '' + b + '.' + c; }), 'Zip using a function'); } });