Proj4js.Proj.sterea = { dependsOn : 'gauss', init : function() { Proj4js.Proj['gauss'].init.apply(this); if (!this.rc) { Proj4js.reportError("sterea:init:E_ERROR_0"); return; } this.sinc0 = Math.sin(this.phic0); this.cosc0 = Math.cos(this.phic0); this.R2 = 2.0 * this.rc; if (!this.title) this.title = "Oblique Stereographic Alternative"; }, forward : function(p) { p.x = Proj4js.common.adjust_lon(p.x-this.long0); /* adjust del longitude */ Proj4js.Proj['gauss'].forward.apply(this, [p]); sinc = Math.sin(p.y); cosc = Math.cos(p.y); cosl = Math.cos(p.x); k = this.k0 * this.R2 / (1.0 + this.sinc0 * sinc + this.cosc0 * cosc * cosl); p.x = k * cosc * Math.sin(p.x); p.y = k * (this.cosc0 * sinc - this.sinc0 * cosc * cosl); p.x = this.a * p.x + this.x0; p.y = this.a * p.y + this.y0; return p; }, inverse : function(p) { var lon,lat; p.x = (p.x - this.x0) / this.a; /* descale and de-offset */ p.y = (p.y - this.y0) / this.a; p.x /= this.k0; p.y /= this.k0; if ( (rho = Math.sqrt(p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y)) ) { c = 2.0 * Math.atan2(rho, this.R2); sinc = Math.sin(c); cosc = Math.cos(c); lat = Math.asin(cosc * this.sinc0 + p.y * sinc * this.cosc0 / rho); lon = Math.atan2(p.x * sinc, rho * this.cosc0 * cosc - p.y * this.sinc0 * sinc); } else { lat = this.phic0; lon = 0.; } p.x = lon; p.y = lat; Proj4js.Proj['gauss'].inverse.apply(this,[p]); p.x = Proj4js.common.adjust_lon(p.x + this.long0); /* adjust longitude to CM */ return p; } };