.. _examples: Examples ======== .. _example.attribute-form: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-attribute-form Attribute Form -------------- Create a form with fields from attributes read from a WFS DescribeFeatureType response .. _example.attributes: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-attributes Attribute Store & Reader ------------------------ Create records with attribute types and values with an AttributeStore. .. _example.feature-grid: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-feature-grid Grid with Features ------------------ Synchronize selection of features between a grid and a layer. .. _example.layercontainer: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-layercontainer Layer Tree ---------- Create a layer tree with a LayerContainer. .. _example.layeropacityslider: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-layeropacityslider Layer Opacity Slider -------------------- Use a slider to control layer opacity. .. _example.legendpanel: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-legendpanel Legend Panel ------------ Display a layer legend in a panel. .. _example.mappanel-div: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-mappanel-div Map Panel --------- Render a map panel in any block level page element. .. _example.mappanel-viewport: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-mappanel-viewport Map Panel (in a Viewport) ------------------------- Render a map panel in a viewport. .. _example.mappanel-window: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-mappanel-window Map Panel (in a Window) ------------------------- Render a map panel in a Window. .. _example.permalink: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-permalink Permalink --------- Display a permalink each time the map changes position. .. _example.popup: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-popup Feature Popup ------------- Display a popup with feature information. .. _example.popup-more: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-popup-more Modifying Popups ---------------- Update a popup with information from multiple locations. .. _example.print-extent: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-print-extent Interactive Print Extent ------------------------ Change print scale, center and rotation with the PrintExtent plugin. .. _example.print-form: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-print-form Print Configuration with a Form ------------------------------- Use form field plugins to control print output. .. _example.print-page: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-print-page Print Your Map -------------- Print the visible extent of a MapPanel with PrintPage and PrintProvider. .. _example.print-preview: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-print-preview Print Preview Window -------------------- Use the PrintMapPanel for interactive print previews. .. _example.print-preview-osm: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-print-preview-osm Printing OpenStreetMap ---------------------------------------- PrintMapPanel with an OSM map. .. _example.renderer: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-renderer Feature Renderer ---------------- Render a vector feature with multiple symbolizers in a box component. .. _example.search-form: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-search-form Filter Form Panel ----------------- Use a form to build an OpenLayers filter. .. _example.toolbar: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-toolbar Toolbar with Actions -------------------- Create a toolbar with GeoExt Actions. .. _example.tree: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-tree Tree Nodes ---------- Create all kinds of tree nodes. .. _example.tree-legend: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-tree-legend Tree Legend ----------- Render layer nodes with legends. .. _example.vector-legend: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-vector-legend Vector Legend ------------------------- Render a legend for a vector layer. .. _example.wms-capabilities: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-wms-capabilities WMS Capabilities Store ---------------------- Create layer records from WMS capabilities documents. .. _example.wms-tree: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-wms-tree WMS Capabilities Tree --------------------- Create a tree loader from WMS capabilities documents. .. _example.zoom-chooser: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-zoom-chooser Scale Chooser ------------- Use a ComboBox to display available map scales. .. _example.zoomslider: .. cssclass:: exampleblock example-zoomslider Zoom Slider ----------- Use a slider to control map scale.