.. currentmodule:: GeoExt :class:`GeoExt.VectorLegend` ================================================================================ .. cssclass:: meta Extends * `Ext.Container `_ * :class:`GeoExt.LayerLegend` xtype ``gx_vectorlegend`` .. class:: VectorLegend(config) Create a vector legend. Config Options -------------- Configuration properties in addition to those listed for `Ext.Container `_. .. describe:: bodyBorder ``Boolean`` Show a border around the legend panel. Default is ``false``. .. describe:: clickableSymbol ``Boolean`` Set cursor style to "pointer" for symbolizers. Register for the ``symbolclick`` event to handle clicks. Note that click events are fired regardless of this value. If ``false``, no cursor style will be set. Default is ``false``. .. describe:: clickableTitle ``Boolean`` Set cursor style to "pointer" for rule titles. Register for the ``titleclick`` event to handle clicks. Note that click events are fired regardless of this value. If ``false``, no cursor style will be set. Default is ``false``. .. describe:: enableDD ``Boolean`` Allow drag and drop of rules. Default is ``false``. .. describe:: labelCls ``String`` Optional css class to use for the layer title labels. .. describe:: layer ``OpenLayers.Layer.Vector`` The layer that this legend will be based on. One of ``layer``, ``rules``, or ``layerRecord`` must be specified in the config. .. describe:: layerRecord :class:`GeoExt.data.LayerRecord` The record containing a vector layer that this legend will be based on. One of ``layerRecord``, ``layer``, or ``rules`` must be specified in the config. .. describe:: legendTitle ``String`` Optional title to be displayed instead of the layer title. If this is set, the value of ``showTitle`` will be ignored (assumed to be true). .. describe:: rules ``Array(OpenLayers.Rule)`` List of rules. One of ``rules``, ``layer``, or ``layerRecord`` must be specified in the config. The ``symbolType`` property must also be provided if only ``rules`` are given in the config. .. describe:: selectOnClick ``Boolean`` Set to true if a rule should be selected by clicking on the symbol or title. Selection will trigger the ruleselected event, and a click on a selected rule will unselect it and trigger the ``ruleunselected`` event. Default is ``false``. .. describe:: showTitle ``Boolean`` Whether or not to show the title of a layer. This can be overridden on the LayerStore record using the hideTitle property. .. describe:: symbolType ``String`` The symbol type for legend swatches. Must be one of ``"Point"``, ``"Line"``, or ``"Polygon"``. If not provided, the ``layer`` or ``layerRecord`` config property must be specified, and the geometry type of the first feature found on the layer will be used. If a rule does not have a symbolizer for ``symbolType``, we look at the symbolizers for the rule, and see if it has a ``"Point"``, ``"Line"`` or ``"Polygon"`` symbolizer, which we use for rendering a swatch of the respective geometry type. .. describe:: untitledPrefix ``String`` The prefix to use as a title for rules with no title or name. Default is ``"Untitled "``. Prefix will be appended with a number that corresponds to the index of the rule (1 for first rule). Public Methods -------------- Public methods in addition to those listed for `Ext.Container `_. .. method:: VectorLegend.setCurrentScaleDenominator :arg scale: ``Number`` The scale denominator. Set the current scale denominator. This will hide entries for any rules that don't apply at the current scale. .. method:: VectorLegend.update Update rule titles and symbolizers. Events ------ Events in addition to those listed for `Ext.Container `_. .. describe:: ruleclick Fires when a rule entry is clicked (fired with symbolizer or title click). Listener arguments: * comp - :class:`GeoExt.VectorLegend`` This component. * rule - ``OpenLayers.Rule`` The rule that was clicked. .. describe:: rulemoved Fires when a rule is moved. Listener arguments: * comp - :class:`GeoExt.VectorLegend`` This component. * rule - ``OpenLayers.Rule`` The rule that was moved. .. describe:: ruleselected Fires when a rule is clicked and ``selectOnClick`` is set to ``true``. Listener arguments: * comp - :class:`GeoExt.VectorLegend`` This component. * rule - ``OpenLayers.Rule`` The rule that was selected. .. describe:: ruleunselected Fires when the selected rule is clicked and ``selectOnClick`` is set to ``true``, or when a rule is unselected by selecting a different one. Listener arguments: * comp - :class:`GeoExt.VectorLegend`` This component. * rule - ``OpenLayers.Rule`` The rule that was unselected. .. describe:: symbolclick Fires when a rule symbolizer is clicked. Listener arguments: * comp - :class:`GeoExt.VectorLegend`` This component. * rule - ``OpenLayers.Rule`` The rule whose symbol was clicked. .. describe:: titleclick Fires when a rule title is clicked. Listener arguments: * comp - :class:`GeoExt.VectorLegend`` This component. * rule - ``OpenLayers.Rule`` The rule whose title was clicked.