.. currentmodule:: GeoExt :class:`GeoExt.SliderTip` ================================================================================ .. cssclass:: meta Extends * `Ext.Tip `_ .. class:: SliderTip(config) Create a slider tip displaying ``Ext.Slider`` values over slider thumbs. Example Use ----------- Sample code to create a slider tip to display slider value on hover: .. code-block:: javascript var slider = new Ext.Slider({ renderTo: document.body, width: 200, plugins: new GeoExt.SliderTip() }); Config Options -------------- Configuration properties in addition to those listed for `Ext.Tip `_. .. describe:: hover ``Boolean`` Display the tip when hovering over the thumb. If ``false``, tip will only be displayed while dragging. Default is ``true``. .. describe:: minWidth ``Number`` Minimum width of the tip. Default is 10. .. describe:: offsets ``Array(Number)`` A two item list that provides x, y offsets for the tip. Default is [0, -10].