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Bienvenue sur , le site de la communauté des utilisateurs francophones de PostGIS.

PostGIS ajoute le support d'objets géographique à la base de données PostgreSQL. En effet, PostGIS "spatialise" le serverur PostgreSQL, ce qui permet de l'utiliser comme une base de données SIG.

Maintenu à jour, en fonction de nos disponibilités et des diverses sorties des outils que nous testons, nous vous proposons l'ensemble de nos travaux publiés en langue française.

Version 3 (modified by trac, 13 years ago) (diff)


Using RSS with Trac

Several of the Trac modules support content syndication using the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) XML format. Using the RSS subscription feature in Trac, you can easily monitor progress of the project, a set of issues or even changes to a single file.

Trac supports RSS feeds in:

  • TracTimeline — Use the RSS feed to subscribe to project events.
    Monitor overall project progress in your favorite RSS reader.
  • TracTickets, TracReports, and TracQuery — Allows syndication of report and ticket query results.
    Be notified about important and relevant issue tickets.
  • TracBrowser and TracRevisionLog — Syndication of file changes.
    Stay up to date with changes to a specific file or directory.

How to access RSS data

Anywhere in Trac where RSS is available, you should find a small orange XML icon, typically placed at the bottom of the page. Clicking the icon will access the RSS feed for that specific resource.

Note: Different modules provide different data in their RSS feeds. Usually, the syndicated information corresponds to the current view. For example, if you click the RSS link on a report page, the feed will be based on that report. It might be explained by thinking of the RSS feeds as an alternate view of the data currently displayed.

  • Multi-platform RSS readers:
    • — Open source, Eclipse-based, RSS reader for Linux, Mac and Windows systems that supports https and authenticated feeds.

See also: TracGuide, TracTimeline, TracReports, TracBrowser